Treatment Fees

Time Fee Before 14/12/2021 Fee After 15/12/2021 Under 18s, over 60s, and community service card holder
Acupuncture Acc covered injury 50-60mins Free, up to 16 treatments over 52 weeks $10 surcharge each treatment, up to 12 treatments over 12 weeks Free, up to 12 treatments over 12 weeks
Additional parts non-acc 10-20mins extra $20 extra $20 extra $20 extra
Non-ACC 50-60mins $80 $80 $70
ACC32 50-60mins $30 for application, Free treatment. $30 for application, $20 surcharge for each treatment $30 for application, $10 surcharge for each treatment
Therapeutic Massage 30mins $60 $70 $60
60mins $100 $120 $100
Chinese Herbal medicine Consultation Fee(First Visit) $40
Consultation Fee(Follow up) $20
Herbs $10 per 10 gram


We provide advanced techniques which may help reduce chronic pain.

We provide all highly qualified clinicians with years of experience.

We provide highly qualified clinicians who have studied at top traditional Chinese medical universities.

We provide an extensive range of quality Chinese herbal treatments.



is a professional, degree-qualified acupuncturist, holding a Bachelor degree of Health Science Major in acupuncture and Master degree of Traditional Chinese Medicine (China). He is a member of the New Zealand Acupuncture Standards Authority Inc.

Avril SIA

is a professional, degree-qualified acupuncturist and Chinese medicinal herbalist, holding a Bachelor degree of Health Science major in acupuncture and Chinese herbs and Master degree of Traditional Chinese Medicine (China). She is a member of the New Zealand Acupuncture Standards Authority Inc.


is a professional, degree-qualified acupuncturist,a member of Acupuncture NZ and a registered ACC treatment provider. He obtained bachelor degree in Acupuncture from Jinan University in 2012 and obtained his master degree in Combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine in 2015.



Cupping & Guasha

Herbal Medicine

Therapeutic massage

